How Often Should I Water My Succulents?
Most succulents only need to be watered about once every two weeks and cacti about once every 3-4 weeks. The timing will vary based on the environment it is in. If it is getting some sun or is near a heating/AC vent with dry air blowing on it, it is likely to need to be watered a bit more often. If it is in a humid area, it may not need to be watered as often.
CAUTION – The most common reason a succulent dies is that it is over watered. If the roots are sitting in water or constantly wet/moist soil, it WILL kill the roots and the plant will die.
IMPORTANT – If you only remember one thing about a succulent it is to let the dirt dry out in between watering!
You can bring a succulent back from under-watering but not from over-watering.
We recommend our own Succulent Water Bottle to prevent over-watering. Many small succulents only need a few tablespoons of water at a time. This water bottle is great for delivering just the right amount of water!